October 15, 2009

Gods and Devils in the Japanese Language

As a living contradiction, I love linguistic ones.

Here's a breakdown of all the words I use in the vid (besides 一期一会), in WWWJDIC order. Remember, I said in the vid what 鬼 and 神 mean.

Gods and Devils Breakdown:
鬼子母神 【きしもじん; きしぼじん kishimojin/kishibojin】 (n) Hariti (goddess of childbirth and children)
子 shi: child
母 bo/mo: mother

鬼神 【きしん(P); きじん(P); おにがみ kishin/kijin/onigami】 (n,adj-no) fierce god

牛鬼蛇神 【ぎゅうきだしん gyukidashin】 (n,adj-no) wicked and perverse; weird and incoherent
牛 gyu: cow
蛇 da: snake

神算鬼謀 【しんさんきぼう shinsankibou】 (n) inscrutable stratagem; ingenious scheme
算 san: calculate
謀 bou: strategy

神出鬼没【しんしゅつきぼつ shinshutsukibotsu】 (n,adj-no) appearing in unexpected places and at unexpected moments; elusive; phantom
出 shutsu: come out (appear)
没 botsu: without (disappear)

Bonus sentence I found after the video (figure it out on your own :p):
断じて行えば鬼神も之を避く 【だんじておこなえばきしんもこれをさく】 (exp) (id) Where there's a will, there's a way

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