August 29, 2007

And there is a cat


  1. I don't mind the switch...go for it if it works better for you. :-)

  2. The you tube vid's are bigger, but I never go out on youtube, you know me! You are going to be known as the crazy cat foreigner if you aren't careful...what are you going to do with these cuties when you leave Japan? I did love the pictures at the end...ya, I am your mom and you make me smile!

  3. I wouldn't mind the switch either, as I only follow your blog now, but I think that you would get less viewers as more people are into "browsing randomly, or not so randomly youtube" than the equivalent for blogs. :)

  4. Yay, kitty! As for the switch, do what you want, because I don't really watch you on youtube so much. I suspect that you'll lose people in the switch, just because people are lazy and irrationally attached to one specific medium, but it will lead a lot more people to your blog.


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