June 27, 2007

Everything we love is stupid, revisited

You may remember the entry where I claimed that most things in entertainment, particularly science fiction related things, are really stupid. Really, really stupid.
I think about the idea often, especially when I watch the new Doctor Who episodes. I would say outside of the return of The Master, this season has been mind-numbingly silly. Seriously, villainous weeping angel statues? But I have been watching a lot of the older doctors' episodes lately, thanks to this site, and it drives home the fact that the show was always really bad, and cheesy in the best way. That and Sara Jane was hotter than I ever remembered.

It's all good though, because it's entertaining, and I stand by that.

Anyhoo, you may want to take a look at this article, which argues that true Star Wars fans hate Star Wars. That's something I can get behind!

I know this idea was controversial the first time I brought it up, but have you come to share my point of view, or do you still defend your media?


  1. That article.... was awesome. I think I have to agree with him for the most part, but mostly with the George Lucas aspect of it.

  2. I still stand behind my original idea. Although I do think there is "poorly written" fiction, "well-written" fiction is not only entertaining, but has become a reality. Computers that fit in our pocket, space shuttles, heck, we're about to start construction on a moon station in a decade or so.

    Philosophy and religion, much like fiction, are both very much based on "what if". But philosophy and religion are both studied as serious subjects. Only recently have media analysis classes actually started popping up on more liberal university campuses.

    Have you read this?
    Scientists discover Kryptonite on Earth

    If you read old SF, like Asimov's early works, it's really close to our reality, or we're on the edge of his vision of the future. In Korea there were government hearings held over "robot rights". I kid you not. By 2050, England predicts that robots will be intelligent enough to demand equal opportunity. Story here.

    So, although I do agree with you that fiction (especially science fiction) shouldn't be taken as seriously by hard-core (rabid) fans, I don't think we should call it downright 'stupid'.

  3. Yup I knew those news stories. And I agree for the most part, but i feel there is a difference between improbable and impossible far out sci-fi things when it comes to entertaining me while maintaining my suspension of disbelief.


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